Aboard the "Rotterdam" in New York, 1963. On their way back from Holland after Ted's Christening.Beverly holding Ted, Jake, Ginny, Rita and Esther.
Cousins.Rita, Ginny, Jacob Jukema, Esther all at the Jukema farm.
Ted's Christening day. Naije Jukema, Piet Oppedijk, Dieke Jukema, Bouwe de Jong, Afke Jukema, LaRita (Rita) de Young, Beverly de Young, Virginia (Ginny) de Young, Esther de Young, Sjoetji Oppedijk
Ted and his dad Jake. Ted's Christening gown was made from a silk WWII parachute.
Jake (Ted's dad) at a friends house from the Dutch Underground days. His friend hid hand granades in her elderly father's bed when the Germans came to search their house. Jake escaped just ahead of the raid.
Cafe where Jake escaped from the Germans. He hid his gun in a flower vase. If he would have been found with a gun he would have been killed no questions asked. The story is that later the owner of the cafe found the gun and renamed the cafe something like "Gun in the Flower Pot" Cafe.
Rein Bridge where Jake was shot. (He suffered from the wound for the rest of his life.) Jake hid under a plateform in the canal and later swam to a farm house. Jake's mission was to slow down the German retreat by jamming the bridge.
A Windmill. Windmill LeyendikkeisIt was used as a landmark and lookout station/guardpost 1940-1945. Weapons moved through canal to the farm.